Gendered situated knowledge in transport activism

Anneli Alanen, Enemmistö and Finnish transport politics in the 1960s–1990s.



gender, knowledge production, situated knowledge, transport activism, transport politics


Gender issues rarely take the center stage in transport research. This article studies the role of gender in the history of Finnish transport politics through two activist cases. I examine the activism of the transport policy association Enemmistö and the slow street pioneer Anneli Alanen from the point of view of knowledge situated knowledge. Enemmistö used gender as one of the tools to criticize transport politics but did not engage deeply in gender questions. Anneli Alanen, instead, used gendered experiences as a central way of challenging the dominant transport knowledge Gender as category has been left in a marginalized position but could shed radically new light on the history of transport politics as well as on the present-day transport discussions.



How to Cite

Männistö-Funk, T. (2025). Gendered situated knowledge in transport activism: Anneli Alanen, Enemmistö and Finnish transport politics in the 1960s–1990s. The Finnish Journal of Contemporary History, 4(1), 27–60.